Based on their constitution, which country is this?
A country with universal suffrage, everybody over the age of 18 gets to vote for their representatives by secret ballot.A country where no person may be placed under arrest without the sanction of a court or prosecutor.There is freedom of speech.There is freedom of the press.There is freedom of assembly, including the holding of mass meetings.There is freedom of street processions and demonstrations.A country where the citizens privacy is protected by the constitution, where the inviolability of their homes and correspondence are protected by law.Judges are independent and subject only to the law.Where church and state are separated, freedom to religious worship or abstinence from it is guaranteed by the constitution.A federal country where every constituent state has the right to freely seceede from the union.Yes that right. It's the
Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, the biggest mass murderer of the twentieth century. Which goes to show that there is more to how a country is governed by what is, or is not, in the constitution.
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